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Ten Proven Marketing Tactics That Will Expand Your Reach In 2023

Ten Proven Marketing Tactics That Will Expand Your Reach In 2023

As a business owner, whether online or offline, you’re no stranger to marketing. After all, it’s what helps to drive sales, create awareness, and ultimately, ensure success.

As the digital landscape continues to rapidly evolve, it can be demanding to keep up with all of the most recent marketing trends and developments. In 2022 alone, we’ve seen massive changes in the way we communicate with our customers and reach out to new ones. To help you and your business stay ahead of the curve, here are ten proven marketing tactics that will expand your reach in 2023.

Marketing A.I.

A.I. is becoming an increasingly popular tool to help businesses with marketing and expanding their reach in today’s digital space. Allowing A.I. to take the lead on product and content recommendations can be an extremely powerful way for businesses to optimize their marketing strategies towards an even wider audience than before.

With A.I., businesses can measure key metrics like customer engagement, sentiment, content performance, and conversion rates more accurately as they gain deeper insights into different customer behaviors and preferences based on recommendations from A.I.-powered algorithms.

This can produce higher ROIs from current channels as well as more opportunities for expanding reach without needing extra labor hours or manual tasks for market research. This is because the A.I. will do this automatically in the background of its processes and decision-making capabilities when it comes to recommending products or content for customers to engage with that best fits their interest profile.


Guerrilla marketing is a great way for businesses to expand their reach and get noticed by new consumers who might not be exposed to traditional tactics. This unconventional form of advertising relies on creative techniques and strategies, such as viral campaigns, guerrilla stunts, or scavenger hunts, that often leverage the element of surprise.

What’s particularly important when utilizing this marketing method is that companies must ensure they understand their audience, their product, and the environment they will be using in order to craft effective campaigns.

If done right, guerrilla marketing has the potential to create maximum ROI at a relatively low cost due to the high notoriety associated with it. According to HubSpot, guerrilla marketing is a preferred strategy for many companies due to its low-cost nature. It’s an excellent tactic for any business wanting to break through the clutter and reach a larger audience while also rising above the competition.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

CRO is an effective marketing tactic for expanding your reach. It uses insights from data analysis to improve the user flow on a website. This enables businesses to tailor their content and imagery to specific customer segments. Furthermore, CRO also allows for targeted campaigns that can deliver more qualified leads and greater conversions.

Ultimately, CRO offers more directed approaches to marketing than traditional strategies, as it considers user engagement data throughout the process from start to finish. Through utilizing this tactic, businesses can reduce costs associated with campaigns and better maximize resources for increased profits in the long term.

Media outreach

Media outreach is a vital tool for expanding your marketing reach. It goes beyond traditional methods of promotional activities, such as print advertising, and uses digital platforms to specifically target audiences that aren’t reached with traditional forms of communication.

For example, creating a press release that draws attention to a new product launch or special event can be shared online, which increases the likelihood of it being viewed by people who can take an interest in what you are offering. In addition, media outreach leverages your relationships with other people, such as influencers and the media outlets themselves, to provide additional promotion.

Through these collaborations, you can draw attention to your business that otherwise wouldn’t be available. Overall, when done properly, media outreach provides an effective opportunity for businesses to increase the reach of their marketing efforts and expand their customer base.


Contests and giveaways can be an effective marketing tactic to increase your reach. During a giveaway, you are offering a product or service that entices people to follow your brand and provides additional value. This opens up opportunities for customers to enter contests, build relationships with your brand, and even create loyalty for future purchases.

And with video content the rising trend in social media, it’s more important than ever to create eye-catching visuals to draw in potential customers. Videos are perfect for contest awareness, and if you need some production tips, try using SFX (sound effects) and royalty-free music as a way to add a level of interest and professionalism. There are many valuable commercial resources to purchase the perfect song or effects sounds, allowing you or your production team to use new music and, specifically, royalty free music as a way to engage viewers even further. Many sites even offer free tracks for commercial use that you can download for any media project.

Not only do contests and giveaways become viral videos when shared amongst social networks, but they also incentivize people to share the offer, furthering their reach. When done properly, these types of campaigns have been proven to be beneficial in terms of customer acquisition in both the short term and the long term. Incorporating contests and giveaways into your overall marketing strategy is certainly worth your consideration.

Q&A research

Researching customer questions and providing answers about your products and services can be extremely beneficial in helping you to expand your reach. Not only can you pick up on trends and preferences that customers have, but it also gives you a unique chance to see how different people react to certain types of messaging or content.

By staying informed on what customers are asking, you can make sure your campaigns are better targeted and more relevant. Additionally, new research and findings help you stay ahead of other competitors as they continuously evolve their tactics to attract new customers.

Knowing what works and what doesn’t helps ensure that your efforts are not wasted and allows you to adjust your approach if something no longer resonates with an audience.


Gamification is a proven strategy used to engage customers and expand a company’s reach. This can be done through giving rewards and recognition based on accomplishments, offering special digital content, competitions, points systems, and more.

Gamification has had tremendous success with businesses across many different industries, as it gives customers incentives to interact regularly and share content on social media. With its promise of quick customer engagement and immediate prizes that keep players coming back for more, it is no surprise that gamification is rapidly gaining more traction as an effective marketing strategy.

It’s worth noting, though, that if you’re crafting a business proposal, try to avoid industry jargon and buzzwords like “gamification” or “freemium,” etc. These words may mean a lot to marketing professionals, but they likely mean very little to the decision makers of any particular business. Keep it simple.


Crowdsourcing is an effective approach because it allows businesses to not only tap into their own creative resources but also utilize the insight of customers who might have ideas that create buzz and draw in new customers.

Additionally, you can take it a step further by engaging with your customers and learning what they like and don’t like about your products or services. By asking these questions, you form deeper relationships with your customers while gaining valuable insights that can be used to mold your strategy.

Coupled with a wide reach on social media, it becomes easier to expose potential consumers to ideas generated through crowdsourcing and get them involved in the conversation around developing better products or services for everyone involved. Crowdsourcing puts the power in the hands of the customer and is one of the most powerful ways to gain traction on new ideas.

Content syndication

Content syndication is a form of marketing that provides businesses with the power to increase their reach and visibility in new locations. Through content syndication, content is posted on other websites or services to gain access to a larger audience, giving brands a chance to diversify their exposure.

Content syndication has seen rapid growth in recent years as it helps businesses generate leads, increase site traffic, and heighten brand awareness. Content syndication offers numerous advantages for marketers who are looking for ways to increase engagement and extend their campaigns beyond their organic reach.

Furthermore, it enables them to target an even wider audience, distribute their content instantly, and collect valuable data about its performance – making it an effective strategy for any type of business trying to expand its exposure and make a lasting impact.

Co-Branding, partnerships, & influencers

This can help your company to leverage the reach of other businesses or people. Through co-branding, you can create joint products, services, or campaigns that promote both brands simultaneously. Partnerships allow companies to tap into the resources, connections, and expertise of another brand to create original content aimed at specific markets.

Influencers publicize your achievements through their large followings on various social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. This not only increases brand exposure but also gives your business credibility from a third-party source. All in all, these tactics can be used in tandem to produce more effective marketing campaigns with a larger reach.

And you may want to focus more on the influencer aspect. According to HubSpot, 89% of marketers who currently utilize influencers plan to maintain or even increase their investments in 2023. It looks like it’s here to stay (for now).

The Bottom Line

Marketing strategies are constantly evolving with the emergence of new technologies and platforms, so it’s important to keep up with the latest trends. This applies to both B2B and B2C marketing initiatives, as well as traditional and digital tactics alike.

By following these tips and understanding which tactics are most effective for your business, you can stay far ahead of the curve and capitalize on the changing landscape. With a bit of creativity and an understanding of your customer’s needs, you can make sure that your business reaches its maximum reach and potential.

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