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4 Ways to Boost Your Email Open Rates

4 Ways to Boost Your Email Open Rates

Do you find that your open email rate decreasing? It’s time to find some strategies to boost them immediately. That’s exactly what this article is about.

The first question is, what’s the issue? Do people hate emails? Sure! However, even though 72 percent of people prefer being contacted by email doesn’t mean that they’ll open your email.

An unsatisfactory open rate will mean you won’t get new customers from your marketing emails. You don’t want this going on all day long.

In this article, we’ll show you ways to boost the number of emails that are opened.

What Does Email Open Rate Mean?

The open rate of an email is the number of people who open an email you send compared to the number of subscribers in your email list.

Let’s say you have 100 members on the mailing lists. If you have 70 subscribers who open your emails on average, your email open rate is 70%.

To calculate your open rate to emails, divide the number who read your email by the entire number of customers. Then, do multiply by 100.

As in the previous example, (70 subscribers / 100 subscribers) 100 x 100 percent.

The rate at which your emails are opened provides you with an overview of how your marketing via email performs. It’s also a method to determine whether your email marketing strategy attracts your customers’ attention.

It’s one of the most important methods that can be used to determine whether your strategy for email campaigns requires tweaking.

A lower open rate indicates that the customer isn’t going to the selling funnel as expected. It’s not something you should be apathetic about this.

So, let’s find out what is affecting the open rate of your emails.

Are you looking to boost the number of emails that are opened? Your mail advertising campaigns will only be effective if they’re being read from the beginning. If your open rates aren’t as high as you’d like, here are four simple methods to increase your open rates.

1. Craft Killer Subject Lines

The subject line of your email is the most important element of your email.

This is your first impression, so don’t take it lightly.

Consider each email that gets into your inbox regularly. You’re probably overwhelmed every day. It’s difficult to stay on top of it the multitude of demands.

I bet you don’t open any emails that don’t catch your attention and draw you into it.

Making the right subject line is an art. There are a variety of variables that will determine which determine whether your email will be read or not opened.

2. What is It That Makes an Excellent Subject Line?

Don’t overestimate the power of a captivating subject line. It could have devastating consequences in the wrong way.

A/B tests various subject lines to determine which one is more popular with your particular group of recipients. Check out the way your emails will look on mobile devices.

There are many techniques and tips to make captivating subject lines. But, ultimately, it will vary between businesses. You’ll discover what will increase your open rate the best over the shortest time.

3. Resend Your Best Content to “Unopened.”

Most email marketing programs will allow you to resend your emails to those who did not open the first time after a set amount of time. I’ll explain how you can accomplish this in Flodesk on my Email Marketing using the Flodesk tutorial. However, it’s generally pretty easy.

I’d suggest only doing this for the most important messages that you do not wish to be missed by people. If you do this too often, it could irritate people. Additionally, you should give recipients enough time to check the first email, which is why I’d limit this to at least 2 days.

4. Segment Your List

When people choose whether or not they want to open an email, one of the most important considerations is whether or not they believe that the email is pertinent to them.

The best method to increase the quality of your email? By segmenting your email list.

Lyris discovered that 39 percent of marketers that separated their email lists had more open rates, 28% had lower unsubscribe rates, and 24% had greater deliverability and higher income:

Start with adding tags for your customers based upon their actions like purchase behavior. If someone is an active customer, you will send them different emails from those you mail to someone else who hasn’t bought anything yet.

You can also send different emails depending on the products they bought.

You can also separate your lists according to characteristics (such as geographical location) or on the interests of your subscribers. What made them join your list of email subscribers in the first place?

If they have downloaded any of your opt-in offers in a specific area, you can create an audience of these people to email them with more information on the topic in question.

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