Did you know that exposure to hazardous chemicals can cause cancer, changes in behavior, and even birth defects?

History is full of instances where hazardous chemical spills caused innumerable health problems to locals. For the benefit of the public, governments have imposed strict regulations on the handling and disposal of these substances. However, it is up to the company how they decide to handle hazardous materials for workplace safety.


The most effective way to do this is with an SDS database. SDS software, or safety data sheets, keeps track of the chemicals you are storing and provides solutions on how to handle them.

Keep reading as we discuss just seven of the benefits you gain by creating and maintaining an SDS database.

  1. An SDS Database Can Help You Stay in Compliance With All Regulatory Requirements

OSHA is the main governing body over workplace safety and hazardous materials that may affect it. OSHA can come down swinging hard on any violations with severe penalties and fines. While companies should protect their employees for moral reasons, OSHA gives them a financial incentive to do so as well.

When you use SDS management to maintain your chemicals, you create a paper trail. When OSHA comes calling, you will have SDS documents to show them that you are in compliance. It’s in your best interest to keep track of these things now.

  1. Improve Workplace Safety

Handling hazardous materials is not just about wearing gloves and eye protection. Many hazardous materials have specific requirements for how to handle them, and failure to abide by these requirements could lead to injury or death.

Workplace injuries are not just a tragedy for one of your beloved employees; they also cost you money. Compensation payouts can run into thousands of dollars per incident. Additionally, a safe workplace encourages productivity and employee loyalty.

If employees feel that you don’t care about their safety, they may hamper your productivity out of resentment for your callous disregard. Implementing Maintenance Management Software can help ensure that safety protocols are followed and equipment is properly maintained.

  1. Have a More Effective and Faster Response to Emergencies

Warning sign

Even if you do follow safety regulations to the letter, emergencies will happen from time to time. A chemical spill could easily shut down your operations for hours or even days.

There is a procedure for responding to emergencies, and your SDS database will provide that information. You could suffer further regulatory fines and penalties if you handle a spill the wrong way. Avoid all of that by keeping your SDS software up-to-date.

  1. Have a More Convenient and Easy-to-Use Inventory Management

If you go with paper records, you are shooting yourself in the foot. Paper records are much harder to maintain and more difficult to keep safe. They can lead to many clerical errors and make it difficult to keep different locations on track.

SDS software is a modern solution that leverages computer power to maintain your database. People aren’t just going paperless to save the environment; they’re doing so to save time and money. If you’re looking for SDS software, discover more here.

  1. Reduce Your Liability and Legal Risk

Every company must earmark part of its budget for liability issues. However, it is well within your power to reduce liability and risk. A key part of doing that is with safety data sheets.

It’s not just OSHA violations and compensation payouts that you should worry about. Lawsuits can arise from poor compliance and emergencies. For example, the recent spillage of hazardous chemicals in East Palestine will likely result in massive lawsuits for all associated companies.

Liability is money out of your pocket that you are never going to get back. It’s more than that when you factor in the loss of trust and customer loyalty. Save yourself from that liability and risk with SDS management.

  1. Keep Everyone on the Same Page

Chances are, your business ranges across multiple shifts and/or multiple locations. That means there are more opportunities for miscommunication and human error.

For example, one shift might have stored a particular hazardous material. But without SDS software that alerts the next shift, they may know nothing about it. They may only stumble upon it later, which means they risk workplace safety without realizing it.

Another benefit of modern technology is that it keeps everyone in sync. Different shifts and different locations know exactly what is going on. The system updates frequently with the cloud, keeping backups of all information for when you need it.

  1. Assist in Environmental Sustainability


Climate change is killing our planet, so many businesses are seeking out more sustainable business models. Part of the sustainable business models may include more environmentally-friendly use or handling of chemicals. The problem is, you can’t do that if you don’t have an SDS database to keep you on track.

Sustaining environmentally-friendly efforts takes a collaborative group effort. You need the best tools at your disposal to know what options are available to you.

The most useful thing you can know is how these chemicals damage the environment and what procedures will mitigate that impact. Then you can form a strategy around this information for a successful and sustainable plan.

Make Use of an SDS Database Today

An SDS database is a vital tool for any organization that handles hazardous materials. It allows you to keep track of those materials in your inventory, handle them properly, and prevent them from harming your employees. Having SDS software cannot only make your operations more effective and safer, but it can save you money and keep you in compliance.

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