Sometimes, you may need to take your website offline temporarily. Whether you’re performing maintenance, updating content, or troubleshooting issues, Hostinger provides several ways to deactivate your site without deleting it permanently. In this guide, you’ll learn the best methods to temporarily deactivate your website on Hostinger effectively.

Why Temporarily Deactivate a Website?

There are several reasons why you might want to take your website offline for a while:

Methods to Temporarily Deactivate Your Website on Hostinger

There are multiple ways to take your site offline on Hostinger. Below, we’ll go over the most effective methods.

1. Using Hostinger’s “Enable Maintenance Mode” Feature

Hostinger provides a built-in maintenance mode that allows you to temporarily hide your website while displaying a message to visitors.

  1. Log into your Hostinger Control Panel.
  2. Go to Website and select Manage for the site you want to deactivate.
  3. Look for the Maintenance Mode option.
  4. Enable it and enter a message that visitors will see while your site is offline.
  5. Click Save and your website will temporarily display the maintenance message instead of its normal content.

This method is ideal for quick updates and ensures that visitors are aware your site is undergoing maintenance.

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2. Renaming the Public_HTML Folder

A more technical approach to deactivating your website is renaming the public_html folder. This temporarily makes your site inaccessible.

  1. Go to your Hostinger File Manager or access your site via FTP.
  2. Locate the public_html folder.
  3. Rename it to something like public_html_disabled.
  4. Your website will now return a 404 error to visitors.
  5. To restore your website, simply rename the folder back to public_html.

This method is useful if you want to completely block access to the website while performing significant changes.

3. Redirect Visitors to a Temporary Page

If you want visitors to see a temporary message instead of a broken page, you can set up a redirection.

  1. In your Hostinger File Manager, open the .htaccess file (or create it if it doesn’t exist).
  2. Add the following lines at the top:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/maintenance.html$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /maintenance.html [R=503,L]
  1. Create a simple maintenance.html file and upload it to your site’s main directory.
  2. Visitors will now see your custom maintenance page instead of your website.

To bring your site back online, simply remove the redirection rules from .htaccess.

4. Disabling the Website via Hostinger’s hPanel

Another quick option is disabling the website through Hostinger’s control panel:

  1. Go to hPanel and select your website.
  2. Under Hosting settings, look for the site management options.
  3. Find and disable the website temporarily.
  4. This action will make your website inaccessible until you enable it again.

This method is simple and doesn’t require any code edits.

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Best Practices When Taking Your Website Offline

Before you deactivate your website, keep these best practices in mind:

Bringing Your Website Back Online

Once you’re ready to bring your website back, simply reverse the deactivation steps. If you used maintenance mode, disable it; if you renamed the public_html folder, restore its original name; and if you used redirection, remove the rules.

After reactivating your website, make sure to clear your cache and test different pages to ensure everything loads correctly.

Final Thoughts

Temporarily deactivating your website on Hostinger is a straightforward process. Whether you choose maintenance mode, renaming your public folder, or setting up redirections, each method serves different needs. Pick the best approach based on your situation and ensure that your website returns to normal as soon as possible.

By following these steps, you can effectively manage downtime while keeping your visitors informed and minimizing disruptions.