About 96% of the people who visit your website aren’t ready to make a purchase. In fact, 65% of businesses say generating traffic and leads are huge challenges. With the right marketing techniques, however, you won’t have to worry.

Here are six marketing strategies you can use to reach and attract new customers this year. These tips, backed by marketing research, can set your business up for serious success.

Put these marketing ideas to the test today!

1. SEO Blogging

Letters forming word SEO

About 68% of all online activities begin with a search engine. Only 0.78% of Google users check the second page, though. If your site doesn’t appear for relevant searches, you need search engine optimization (SEO).

SEO can help your web content rank higher on search engines. With SEO, you can generate:

You can also establish yourself as a thought leader in the industry, boosting your credibility. Establishing your credibility can help you generate more leads and sales. It could also help brand trust grow.

As trust grows into loyalty, you can retain customers to improve your ROI.

SEO drives 1,000% more traffic than organic social media, too.

Before developing an SEO strategy, you’ll need customer, keyword, and marketing research. Gathering research ahead of time can help you develop more effective campaigns. Otherwise, you might struggle to use these marketing strategies effectively.

First, define your target audience based on demographics like:

Next, determine the pain points your customers are experiencing. You can use your content to provide them with valuable tips and help. In time, you can become their go-to resource.

You’ll also need to gather keyword research to add SEO to your marketing plans.

Use tools like Answer the Public, Google Trends, and SEMRush to find long-tail search terms. Then, choose a focus keyword before writing your blog content.

Content Creation

Google looks for fresh, unique content before determining search engine rankings.

Choose one of the long-tail keywords from your list. Then, write helpful, engaging content to attract more people to your site.

Optimize your content for SEO by adding the focus keyword to the:

To avoid keyword stuffing, add secondary keywords throughout your content, too.

Focus a little more time on your SEO title and meta description. The title and description will appear on search engine result pages (SERPs). Strong titles and descriptions can compel people to click on the link to your content.

You can boost your clickthrough rate and generate more traffic, which could boost your rankings further.

2. Video Marketing

Person filming video

About 80% of people remember a video ad they’ve seen in the past 30 days. Meanwhile, 55% of online users watch videos delay. In fact, nearly 80% of people prefer watching videos to reading about products.

About 83% of marketers say video marketing gives them a positive ROI, too.

Although anyone can buy followers to get more exposure, adding videos to your content marketing strategy can help you attract and engage customers naturally.

You can even unite your video and SEO strategies to reach featured snippets on SERPs. Featured snippets appear at the top of the page. Consumers can watch your videos straight from Google, improving their user experience.

Additionally, using an AI voice generator can enhance your videos by providing professional, natural-sounding voiceovers, making your content even more engaging.

3. Social Media Marketing

Social media icons

As you begin applying these marketing ideas, don’t neglect to add social media to your marketing plans. Social media marketing is a great way to engage customers in real-time.

Start by reformatting your blog posts for specific social media platforms. You can also post on Stories to engage consumers. Use stickers to encourage more interactions.

Once people begin commenting on your posts, make sure to comment back! Keep engaging with your audience. Use social media to improve your customer service as well.

Make sure you’re keeping up with the latest social media marketing trends and hashtags, too.

4. Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising allows brands to create eye-catching text and display ads. Your ads can appear on Google’s SERPs, Search Network, or social media platforms. For example, you can use Facebook Ads to create ads for Facebook and Instagram.

Creating eye-catching ads can encourage more people to interact with your brand. You can also use branded images to generate brand awareness.

When someone clicks on your ad, they’ll reach a landing page on your website. Then, you can use a compelling call to action to generate more leads and sales.

Make sure to gather marketing research before developing your ad campaigns. Otherwise, you might waste time and money making costly assumptions. You can check out Stitch Marketing Research to learn more about developing stronger campaigns.

5. Email Marketing

E-mail marketing written on laptop

Add a lead magnet to your website and encourage visitors to subscribe to your email newsletters. Then, segment your email lists to create personalized emails. Sending emails can help you continuously nurture leads.

You can also remain top of mind to encourage consumers to return to your brand in the future.

Consider using automation tools as you start using email marketing. Automation can save you time and boost your ROI.

Make sure to review your analytics to improve your subject lines and emails over time, too!

6. Influencer Marketing

As part of your social media marketing strategy, consider using influencer marketing.

Look for influencers your customers already follow, love, and trust. Then, ask them to promote your products or services. You can leverage the brand trust they’ve already generated to encourage new customers to trust your brand.

Set Success: Start Applying These Marketing Techniques Today

Don’t miss the opportunity to help your business grow. Instead, start applying these marketing techniques to your current strategy. With these marketing ideas, you can engage more customers online.

Then, you can start generating more leads and sales to boost your ROI.

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